视觉 & 表演艺术 » 视觉 & 表演艺术课程简介

视觉 & 表演艺术课程简介

视觉 & 表演艺术部主席:杨先生. 罗恩·卡斯蒂略

先决条件:没有. $40课程费用

(9-12) An introductory course designed to fully engage students in the study and participation of multiple branches of the 视觉 Arts. Students will also be introduced to Art history, formal art analysis, and art criticism. 在本课程中, students will study and apply the principles and elements of design in order to become educated observers and successful visual communicators. Using various mediums and methods students will use the creative process to complete assigned projects engineered to encourage self-discipline, 创新, 解决问题, 创造性思维, 文化欣赏.

先决条件视觉艺术与设计或摄影专业C或以上. $40课程费用

(10-12) Students will develop techniques and skills related to the practice of drawing and painting. Course activities will place an emphasis on contemporary art through the use various advanced mediums including oil and acrylic paint, 木炭, 和墨水. 课程活动将侧重于绘制线条的技术方面, 价值与形式, in addition to those of painting; preparation of canvas, 混合色彩, 纹理, 分层和画面感. Completion of this course will serve as a prerequisite for all advanced visual art courses including AP Studio Art and IB Art.

先决条件: 没有一个. $40课程费用

(9-12) An introductory course designed to educate and master technologically supported visual art and design used in the creative industry. 本课程将涵盖照片处理单元, 数码插图, 产品开发, 网页设计, 企业设计 & 通信,广告,数字增强的艺术体验,标志 & 图形创建, 印刷艺术的力学, 数字绘画, 三维建模, 数码动画及更多.

先决条件:没有. $40课程费用

(9-12) This is an introductory course in the study and utilization of digital photog说唱hy as a medium of creative expression and visual communication. Students will develop a technical understanding of using a digital camera and apply this knowledge to create specific image results. 使用数字图像处理软件, 学生将学习设计图像来唤起特定的信息, 情绪, 或结果. 学生们将学习摄影的历史, 摄影艺术家, 设计原则, 色彩理论, 和构图创造强大和重要的图像. 学生将使用使用数码相机的知识, 数字图像处理软件, and the creative process to complete assigned projects engineered to encourage self-discipline, 创新, 解决问题, 创造性思维, 文化欣赏.


(10-12) This course is designed to introduce students to the understanding and enjoyment of works of art. 向学生们介绍西方艺术, 从史前艺术开始,到20世纪的艺术结束. Non-Western art will be presented to provide a cultural diverse aesthetic appreciation. 本课程要求学生对学术工作有高度的投入.

先决条件高级美术成绩B或以上,或经导师许可. $40课程费用

(11-12) 本课程旨在帮助学生为美国大学理事会A级考试做准备.P. 评价. 工作室艺术强调绘画,设计和三维艺术的专业化. 投资组合的要求.


先决条件高级美术成绩达到B或以上,或经导师许可. $40课程费用

(11-12) 本课程旨在帮助学生为美国大学理事会A级考试做准备.P. 评价. Studio Art 2-D Drawing emphasizes a specialization in drawing, design, and two-dimensional art. 投资组合的要求.

先决条件高级美术成绩达到B或以上,或经导师许可. $40课程费用

(11-12) 本课程旨在帮助学生为美国大学理事会A级考试做准备.P. 评价. 工作室艺术强调绘画,设计和三维艺术的专业化. 投资组合的要求.


先决条件视觉艺术成绩为B或以上 & 设计或其他初级关卡设计课程. 第二年IB视觉艺术课程要求IB视觉艺术第一年达到“C”或更高. $40课程费用

(11-12) The IB Diploma Programme visual arts course encourages students to challenge their own creative and cultural expectations and boundaries. It is a thought-provoking course in which students develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent thinking, 同时努力实现技术熟练和自信的艺术创作者. In addition to exploring and comparing visual arts from different perspectives and in different contexts, 期望学生参与, experiment with and critically reflect upon a wide range of contemporary practices and media. The course is designed for students who want to go on to further study of visual arts in higher education as well as for those who are seeking lifelong enrichment through visual arts. The role of visual arts teachers should be to actively and carefully organize learning experiences for the students, directing their study to enable them to reach their potential and satisfy the demands of the course. Students should be empowered to become autonomous, informed and skilled visual artists.

先决条件: "B" or better in 摄影 and permission of Spartiate advisor (1st Sem / Year option)

(10-12) The primary purpose of the yearbook class is the production of Damien’s yearbook, the Spartiate. The student will be expected to learn the basics of photog说唱hy, lay-out, and copy write up. 这门课需要一些课后作业.
(11-12) The primary purpose of the yearbook class is the production of Damien’s yearbook, the Spartiate. The student will be expected to learn the basics of photog说唱hy, lay-out, and copy write up. 学生应该能够打印, 蜡, 完稿, 从而为在线博彩平台打印机提供照相准备拷贝. 这门课需要一些课后作业.
先决条件:没有. 课程费用$40.

(9-12) This performance course is for the beginning musician; no prior experience is necessary. 学生将学习音乐的基本元素以及如何演奏长笛等乐器, 萨克斯风, 小号, 角, 长号, 男中音, 和大号. 在音乐会上,开场乐队演奏各种各样的乐队曲目. 可以重复学分吗.

先决条件:试听推荐教师. 先生联系. Magallon在 (电子邮件保护) 安排试镜. 课程费用$40.

(9-12) This performance course is for the intermediate-advanced musician with prior music experience. 学生将学习深入的理论研究, 即兴创作, 对萨克斯等乐器有一定的技术能力, 小号, 长号, 吉他, 低音, 架子鼓或钢琴. 爵士乐队在音乐会上演奏各种爵士曲目, 社区活动, 还主持爵士音乐节. 可以重复学分吗.
先决条件:试听推荐教师. 先生联系. Magallon在 (电子邮件保护) 安排试镜. 课程费用$40.
(10-12) 本表演课程是为有音乐经验的中级音乐家开设的. 学生将学习深入的理论研究, 乐感, 以及长笛等乐器的演奏能力, 单簧管, 萨克斯风, 小号, 角, 长号, 男中音, 大号, 或打击乐器. 音乐会乐队在音乐会上演奏各种管乐队的曲目, 社区活动, 还负责乐队音乐节的评审. 可以重复学分吗.
先决条件:没有. 课程费用$40.

(9-12) This performance course is for 吉他 players of all skill levels; no prior experience is necessary. Students will learn the elements of music and how to play the 吉他 in various ensemble settings (solo, 二重唱, 组, 和完整的集合). 吉他课将演奏各种古典音乐, 岩石, 在音乐会和社区活动中演奏爵士乐.

先决条件:没有. 课程费用$40.

(9-12) This performance course is for the beginning musician; no prior experience is necessary. 学生将学习音乐的元素和如何演奏一种乐器,如鼓, 钢琴, 木琴, 马林巴琴, 电颤琴, 定音鼓, 及配件. The percussion course performs a variety of wind band and percussion repertoire at concerts. 可以重复学分吗.

先决条件:没有. 课程费用$40.
(9-12) This project-based performance course is for those interested in blending music and technology. Students will explore technology resources used to create, produce, evaluate, and perform music. 涵盖的主题包括音乐元素, 符号, 音响系统, 记录, 电影配乐, 广告, 和广告曲. 可以重复学分吗.


(9-12) 这门基于项目的表演课程是为那些对音乐史感兴趣的人开设的. 学生会倾听, 分析, 并讨论各种风格的音乐,包括古典音乐, 爵士乐, 岩石, 说唱, 电影音乐, 世界音乐. 主题包括音乐元素,中世纪音乐史(公元前450年).D.)到现在,作曲和音乐事业.

先决条件:没有. $40课程费用

(9-12) Students will learn the basics of the Cinematic Arts process and the role of the Cinematic Arts as a visual medium of communication. 为此目的, students will learn the technical side of Cinematic Arts (video camera and how to frame shots for desired effects, 音响设备和音响制作在电影作品创作中的作用, the use of Final Cut Pro to implement basic editing principles) as well as the communications / message element in terms of dealing with storyboards and written scripts. The course will conclude with students actively engage in filming pre-existing written scripts and/or storyboards.

先决条件:电影艺术一学期成绩为“A”或“B”. $40课程费用

(10-12) A continuation of 电影艺术一; students will continue to work on developing more sophisticated techniques and producing more advanced projects.

先决条件电影艺术II: B或以上. $40课程费用

(11-12) A continuation of 电影艺术II; A continued study of film(s), 电影制作, 电影理论, 历史电影运动(法国新浪潮), 德国表现主义, 意大利新现实主义), 等.


(9-12) 这门课程使学生接触到戏剧的各种元素. Students will be introduced to the craft of acting through the performance of 即兴创作, 哑剧和我的, 独白, 场景, 以及整体项目. 上演戏剧的基本要素(布景设计), 灯光和声音, 服装, 化妆, 导演(制片人)的角色也会被提及. 最后, students will gain an understanding of the history of theatre as well as the varieties of drama.


(10-12) 本课程推荐给有兴趣提高演技的同学. 学生通过场景发展他们的表演和角色发展技巧, 独白和合奏作品. Students also explore classical styles and work together on either an original or published one act play.
